Summer Spice Blend

whole seeds, roasted then ground and mixed with friends like ground turmeric.

whole seeds, roasted then ground and mixed with friends like ground turmeric.

Ayurvedic Summer Spice Mix:

Anti inflammatory blend to boost digestive fire (“agni”) and ground the mind

Makes about 1/4 cup

1 tbsp whole coriander seeds

1 tbsp whole cumin seeds

1 tbsp whole fennel seeds

1 tbsp ground turmeric

1/2 tsp ground cardamom

Dry roast coriander, cumin, and fennel seeds in a pan on medium heat until you can smell them, a few minutes. Let them cool. Combine with other ingredients and mix well with a mortar and pestle or in a coffee grinder just for spices. Store in a glass jar.


  • add at the beginning of kitchari

  • sprinkle on avocado toast

  • toss with olive oil to roast veggies

  • mix with lemon, olive oil, and pink salt for a salad dressing

  • add to mung bean or red lentil dahl

  • use in recipes that ask for curry powder